Latihan 1 (BM & BI)
Maklumat Untuk Calon.
- Kertas peperiksaan ini adalah dalam dwibahasa.
- Soalan dalam bahasa Melayu mendahului soalan yang sepadan dalam bahasa Inggeris.
- Kertas peperiksaan ini mengandungi 40 soalan percubaan.
- Jawab semua soalan ramalan.
- Anda tidak dibenarkan menggunakan kalkulator.
- Semoga berjaya dalam ujian percubaan ini.
Antara yang berikut, yang manakah mewakili 5¼ juta?
Which of the following represents 5¼ million?
Which of the following represents 5¼ million?
92701- 27 x 906 =
Nombor perpuluhan yang manakah apabila dibundarkan kepada persepuluh yang terdekat menjadi 59?
Which decimal number when rounded off to the nearest tenths becomes 59?
Which decimal number when rounded off to the nearest tenths becomes 59?
Tukarkan 91.02 km kepada m.
Convert 91.02 km to m.
Convert 91.02 km to m.
1 jam 40 minit sebelum jam 0025 ialah
1 hour 40 minutes before 0025 hours is
1 hour 40 minutes before 0025 hours is
Antara yang berikut, yang manakah penukaran unit yang betul?
Which of the following conversions is correct?
Which of the following conversions is correct?
4.035 ÷ 1.5 x 2.3 =
Antara berikut, yang manakah adalah hasil jawapan yang paling kecil?
Which of the following the answer is the smallest?
Which of the following the answer is the smallest?
RM1000 - (45 keping wang RM5) + (67 keping syiling 50 sen) =
RM1000 - (45 notes RM5) + (67 coins 50 sen) =
RM1000 - (45 notes RM5) + (67 coins 50 sen) =
( ) + 4 L 30mL = 12.7L
Antara berikut yang manakah menunjukkan sebuah segi tiga bersudut tegak?
Which of the following shows a right angle triangle?
Which of the following shows a right angle triangle?

Seramai 189 orang murid telah tiba di Hotel Saujana untuk menghadiri seminar. 5 buah bas lagi masing-masing membawa 40 orang murid dalam perjalanan ke hotel itu. Berapakah bilangan semua peserta seminar itu?
189 pupils arrived the Saujana Hotel for attended the seminar. 5 buses respectively has 40 pupils were on the way to the hotel. What is the total participants of the seminar?
189 pupils arrived the Saujana Hotel for attended the seminar. 5 buses respectively has 40 pupils were on the way to the hotel. What is the total participants of the seminar?
5% daripada RM0.5juta.
5% of RM0.5 millions.
5% of RM0.5 millions.

Hitung min, dalam kg, jisim bagi seorang lelaki.
Calculate the mean, in kg, mass of a man.
Calculate the mean, in kg, mass of a man.
Waktu di Seoul menunjukkan 6 jam lebih awal daripada waktu di New Delhi. Jam berapakah waktu di Seoul jika waktu di New Delhi menunjukkan pukul 10.15 a.m.?
They time in Seoul is 6 hours earlier from the time in New Delhi. What is the time in Seoul if the time in New Delhi shows 10.15 a.m.?
They time in Seoul is 6 hours earlier from the time in New Delhi. What is the time in Seoul if the time in New Delhi shows 10.15 a.m.?

Hitung jumlah kawasan berlorek bagi kedua-dua segi empat sama dalam pecahan.
Calculate the total shaded region both of the squares in fractions.
Calculate the total shaded region both of the squares in fractions.
Puteri menyediakan 50 bungkus nasi lemak dan 20 bungkus mi goreng. Sebanyak 48 bungkus nasi lemak dan 17 bungkus mi goreng telah dijual. Nyatakan nisbah nasi lemak kepada mi goreng yang belum dijual.
Puteri prepared 50 packets of nasi lemak and 20 packets of fried noodles. 48 packets of nasi lemak and 17 packets of fried noodles were sold out. State the ratio of nasi lemak to fried noodles that is not sold.
Puteri prepared 50 packets of nasi lemak and 20 packets of fried noodles. 48 packets of nasi lemak and 17 packets of fried noodles were sold out. State the ratio of nasi lemak to fried noodles that is not sold.
Rina ada 1.25m reben. Dia menggunakan ⅕ daripada reben itu untuk menghias kotak hadiah. Hitung dalam m, reben yang digunakan.
Rina has 1.25m ribbon. She uses ⅕ of the ribbon to decorate a present. Calculate in m, the ribbon used.
Rina has 1.25m ribbon. She uses ⅕ of the ribbon to decorate a present. Calculate in m, the ribbon used.
Antara yang berikut, yang manakah bentangan yang betul bagi sebuah kon?
Which of the following is the correct net of a cone?
Which of the following is the correct net of a cone?


Apakah nilai X?
What is the value of X?
What is the value of X?
Sebuah kilang roti mengeluarkan 4500 ketul roti sehari. Hitung jumlah bilangan roti yang dikeluarkan dari 28 Mac 2017 hingga 10 April 2017.
A bakery produces 4500 loaves of bread per day. Calculate the total loaves of bread produced from 28th March 2017 until 10th April 2017.
A bakery produces 4500 loaves of bread per day. Calculate the total loaves of bread produced from 28th March 2017 until 10th April 2017.
Ferus memandu kereta sejauh 160km dalam tempoh 2 jam dengan kelajuan yang sama. Hitung jarak, dalam km, yang dilalui dalam masa 30minit.
Ferus drives a car for the distance of 160km in 2 hours at a constant speed. Calculate the distance, in km, for 30 minutes.
Ferus drives a car for the distance of 160km in 2 hours at a constant speed. Calculate the distance, in km, for 30 minutes.

Hitung tempoh masa Sarah belajar di sekolah.
Calculate the duration Sarah study at school.
Calculate the duration Sarah study at school.
Jali membeli 30 ekor kambing yang sama jenis pada harga RM1200 seekor. Dia menjual kesemua kambing dengan keuntungan sebanyak RM4500. Berapakah harga jual bagi seekor kambing?
Jali buys 30 similar types of goats at RM1200 each. He sold all the goats and his profit was RM4500. What is the selling price of one goat?
Jali buys 30 similar types of goats at RM1200 each. He sold all the goats and his profit was RM4500. What is the selling price of one goat?

Sebuah sekolah memesan sebanyak 1345 set makanan itu. Hitung bayaran yang perlu dibayar oleh pihak sekolah itu.
A school order 1345 set of meal. Calculate the payment that school need to pay.
A school order 1345 set of meal. Calculate the payment that school need to pay.
Andrew menjual 30 kotak anggur itu dengan harga RM540. Hitung harga jual sekotak anggur itu.
Andrew sold 30 boxes of the grapes for RM540. Calculate the selling price for a box of grape.
Andrew sold 30 boxes of the grapes for RM540. Calculate the selling price for a box of grape.

Pernyataan manakah yang benar?
Which statement is correct?
Which statement is correct?

Luas segi tiga bersudut tegak adalah sama dengan luas segi empat sama. Hitung panjang satu sisi segi empat sama itu.
The area of the right-angle triangle is equal to the area of the square. Calculate a length of the square.
The area of the right-angle triangle is equal to the area of the square. Calculate a length of the square.

Pakej ini disertai oleh 50 orang. Malangnya seorang daripada peserta menarik diri. Hitung jumlah bayaran yang diterima oleh syarikat itu.
This package is joined in by 50 people. One of them withdrew himself. Calculate the total payment received by the company.
This package is joined in by 50 people. One of them withdrew himself. Calculate the total payment received by the company.

Hitung jumlah luas, dalam cm², satah yang berlorek.
Calculate the total area, in cm², of the shaded faces.
Calculate the total area, in cm², of the shaded faces.

Purata untuk 4 item tersebut ialah 1.2kg. Apakah nilai bagi X?
The average of 4 items is 1.2kg. What is the value of X?
The average of 4 items is 1.2kg. What is the value of X?

Setiap jenis tanaman berkeluasan 0.75 ekar. Dia bercadang menanam beberapa jenis tanaman. Berapakah jenis tanaman yang boleh ditanam di tanah itu?
The area of each crop is 0.75 acre. He plans to plant a few types of crop. How many types of crop can he plant?
The area of each crop is 0.75 acre. He plans to plant a few types of crop. How many types of crop can he plant?

Berapakah isi padu, dalam cm³, bahagian kuboid yang tinggal?
What is the volume, in cm³, of the remaining cuboid?
What is the volume, in cm³, of the remaining cuboid?

Setiap unit mewakili 1.5km. Hitung jarak antara pasukan penyelamat, dalam km, secara mengufuk dan mencancang dengan helikopter terhempas.
Each unit represents 1.5km. Calculate the distance between the rescue team, in km, by horizontally and vertically with the crashed helicopter.
Each unit represents 1.5km. Calculate the distance between the rescue team, in km, by horizontally and vertically with the crashed helicopter.

Berdasarkan Rajah 10, Lily membeli 5 helai baju dan 3 helai seluar. Berapakah jumlah wang yang perlu dibayar olehnya?
Based on Diagram 10, Lily bought 5 shirts and 3 trousers. What is the total amount of money that she needs to pay?
Based on Diagram 10, Lily bought 5 shirts and 3 trousers. What is the total amount of money that she needs to pay?

Thia membeli 5 kotak air mineral. Isi padu sebotol air mineral ialah 1.5L. Berapakah jumlah isi padu, dalam L, air mineral yang telah dibeli oleh Thia?
Thia buys 5 boxes of mineral water. The volume of a bottle of mineral water is 1.5L. What is the total volume, in L, of the mineral water that has been Thia bought?
Thia buys 5 boxes of mineral water. The volume of a bottle of mineral water is 1.5L. What is the total volume, in L, of the mineral water that has been Thia bought?

Antara rajah berikut, yang manakah mempunyai perimeter yang sama dengan PQRS.
Which of the following has the same perimeter of PQRS.
Which of the following has the same perimeter of PQRS.


Liam membayar menggunakan kad kredit. Dia dikenakan caj 2% daripada jumlah bayaran. Berapakah yang perlu dibayar olehnya?
Liam uses a credit card to pay. He was charged 2% of the total payment. How much does he need to pay?
Liam uses a credit card to pay. He was charged 2% of the total payment. How much does he need to pay?


Bilangan pelawat pada hari Ahad adalah 50% daripada jumlah pengunjung untuk empat hari sebelumnya. Hitung jumlah bilangan pengunjung pada hari Sabtu dan Ahad.
The number of visitors on Sunday is 50% of the total visitors in four days earlier. Calculate the total visitors on Saturday and Sunday.
The number of visitors on Sunday is 50% of the total visitors in four days earlier. Calculate the total visitors on Saturday and Sunday.

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Latihan 3 (BM & BI)
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